White Elephant Rules For 2023

White Elephant, also known as Yankee Swap or Dirty Santa, is a popular gift exchange game played during holiday parties and gatherings. While the rules can vary slightly depending on the group and host, here’s a general outline of how the game is typically played:

1. Set Up:

  • Each participant brings a wrapped gift within a certain price range, as determined by the host or agreed upon by the group.

  • The gifts are placed in a central location, often under a tree or in a designated area.

2. Drawing Numbers:

  • The first person selects a gift from the pool and opens it in front of everyone.
  • The subsequent participants can choose to either select a new wrapped gift from the pile or “steal” an opened gift from someone else.
  • If a participant’s gift is stolen, they then choose a new gift from the pile.

4. Stealing Gifts:

  • A gift can only be stolen a certain number of times (often limited to 3 times, but this can vary).
  • Once a gift has been stolen the maximum number of times, it becomes “frozen” or “locked” and can no longer be stolen.

5. “No Stealing” Option:

  • Some variations of the game allow participants the option to choose a new gift from the pile instead of stealing a gift from someone else.
  • This can be helpful when there are certain gifts that participants are particularly attached to.

6. Exchanging Gifts:

  • After all participants have had a turn, the person who drew number 1 has the opportunity to exchange their gift with any other opened gift.
  • This step adds an extra layer of fun and strategy to the game.

7. Game Continuation:

  • The game continues until everyone has had a turn and all gifts have been opened.
  • The last person to go (the person who drew the highest number) has the option to keep their gift or trade it with any of the previously opened gifts.

8. Conclusion:

  • Once all participants have had their turns and all gifts are opened, the game concludes.

It’s important to note that the rules can be adjusted to fit the preferences of the group and the host. Some groups might choose to add their own twists or variations to make the game even more exciting. The primary goal is to create a fun and interactive experience where participants can enjoy the element of surprise, competition, and camaraderie.

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